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Admission, enrollment, and other information

PUBLIC NOTICE Nº 01/POSFIL/2018 -Admission 2019

PPGFIL – 2018 Admission Selection Process Schedule



Typically, the call for application is made available in the month of July, the submission of the documentation and project occurs between September and October, while the written exam and interview take place in November.


In order to enter the Program, the applicant must send all the required documentation and participate of the annual selection, conducted by a Committee of six faculty members of the Department (two of each Area of Concentration). The first step is an evaluation of the dissertation or thesis project by a supervisor. Applicants whose projects are accepted are then able to proceed to a written exam about three classical texts of philosophy (one of each Area of Concentration) – this step is eliminatory as well. Those who obtain at least grade 6 (six) of 10 (ten) are qualified to the next step, which is an Oral Exam on the Research Project submitted by the applicant – the grade for approval in this exam is 7 (seven). Applicants who pass these two exams and obtain at least the arithmetic mean 7 (seven) are considered approved.

Foreign applicants must present at the moment of the enrollment a certificate of language proficiency in Portuguese. Besides that, applicants to the doctoral program must also present a certificate of proficiency in English.

Curriculum Structure

  1. a) Master’s degree: The student must fulfill a number of 16 credits in courses (each course corresponds to 4 credits), 60 hours of “Extracurricular Activities”, and defend a master’s thesis. It is mandatory to take at least 12 credits in the area of concentration to which the student has submitted the project. Besides these 16 credits, the student must also complete 4 credits in “Master’s Research Internship”. The length of the Master’s program is 24 months and renewable for one more year.
  2. b) Doctoral degree: The student must fulfill a number of 42 credits in courses, 60 hours of “Extracurricular Activities”, and defend a doctoral dissertation. A Master’s degree can be validated by the student as corresponding to 30 credits. In this situation, the 12 remaining credits are fulfilled in: a) one course from the chosen area of concentration; b) the “Advanced Doctoral Seminars”; and c) the “Doctoral Research Internship”. Students granted with scholarship must also do a supervised “Teaching Practicum”. The length of the Doctoral program is 48 months and it is renewable for one more year.

Enrollment of Regular Students

The first time the enrollment is done, the student must do it in person at the Program office and present the required documentation (personal data form, University Degree, certificates of proficiency in Portuguese/English). After that, in subsequent semesters, enrollments are made through an online system.

Single Courses

Courses offered in each semester are available on the PPGFIL website. Undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students may take these courses submitting a form stating the professor’s authorization, as long as there are still places available on the course. In order to enroll, the student needs to contact the course professor before the enrollment deadline.


Scholarships are granted to candidates approved in the selection process, depending on the availability of financial resources and on the candidate’s ranking position resulting from the grades of the written test, the interview and the curriculum analysis. The Program manages resources coming from these following financial funding agencies: CAPES, CNPq, and FAPESC. Students granted with scholarships must reside in Florianópolis.

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