Young Talent with Experience Abroad Grant (by May 31st 2019)

21/05/2019 20:17

Young Talent with Experience Abroad Grant (by May 31st 2019)

The grant aims to attract junior researchers (foreigners or Brazilians residing abroad) with relevant academic experience to develop their research and teaching activities either at the Graduate Program in Philosophy or at the Graduate Program in Political Sociology of Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), in Florianópolis, Brazil, for a period of one year. The grant receiver is expected to take part on the Project “Academia facing new challenges in a globalized world. Culture and vocational education from a comparative perspective: Brazil and Germany”, which is being carried out in cooperation with the Humboldt University, Berlin, and the Goethe University, Frankfurt. Applicants whose research focuses on Critical Theory with relation to Politics, Economics or Education will be preferred. Applicants must have developed at least part of their studies at one of the institutions that entertain an official partnership with the Federal University of Santa Catarina (a list of the institutions can be accessed under the link:…/instituicoes-estrangeiras-vinculada…/). For further requirements see below.

The researcher should start the activities at UFSC within the period from 01/10/2019 to 31/03/2020.

Applications will be accepted from 6th May 2019 to 31st May 2019

 Rectification 1 Call for applications Young Talent

Salary: monthly allowance (about U$ 2000,00), health insurance, allowance for moving to Brazil etc. will correspond to what is established by Appendix 11 of the tender CAPES 41/17, which can be consulted under the following link:…/print/editais-print/.

In case of interest, please contact
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Pinzani – PPGFIL:
Prof. Dr. Denílson Luis Werle – PPGFIL:
Profa. Franciele Bete Petry – PPGFIL:
Prof. Dr. Luiz Gustavo da Cunha de Souza – PPGSP:
Prof. Dr. Tiago Daher Padovezi Borges – PPGSP:

Further requirements:
Non-Brazilian citizens or Brazilian citizens who reside abroad can apply. Applicants may not have resided in Brazil within the last six months.
Applicants may not be carrying out research or teaching activities in Brazil at the moment of the application.
Applicants must hold their doctoral degree for less than ten years, counted from the date of degree conferral, and must have been active in a foreign research or teaching institution after their PhD.
Documents required for the application
Applicants must forward the following documents to one of the host academics at PPGF or PPGSP, who will proceed the joint submission.
1 Application form “Anexo IV” (available at:…/Original-assinado-Minuta-Ed…)
2 A copy of a photo identification document (national ID card or equivalent) or, in the case of foreign applicants, a copy of their passport.
3 Copy of their PhD diploma; Diplomas/Certificates issued abroad must be apostilled, in case of being issued in a member country of the Hague Convention (Resolution NJC no. 228 of2016, of the National Justice Council), or notarized by a competent consular authority, in case the country is not a member of the Hague Convention. The apostille or notarization must be done in the country where the diploma/certificate was issued.
4 Curriculum vitae, with information regarding academic background, higher education teaching experience, completed graduate supervisions/co-supervisions and intellectual production; Brazilian applicants must submit an electronic copy of their curriculum vitae downloaded from the Lattes Platform.
5 Work-plan describing the development of graduate-level research, teaching and supervision/co-supervision activities.
6 Applicants wishing to compete for the positions reserved for persons with disabilities shall indicate this option in the Application Form, informing the type of disability and attaching a legible medical report attesting the type and the degree or level of disability, with express reference to the corresponding International Classification of Diseases (ICD) code, and with the identification and signature of the reporting doctor. The applicant who fails to comply with this item will compete only for the positions of ample competition. The applicant who has a technical report based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) may attach it to the application as supplementary information. This does not exempt them from presenting a medical report as described above.


14/05/2019 11:49

A Coordenação do PPGFIL solicita à mestranda Renata Lima Zucheli que entre em contato com a Secretaria do Programa para regularizar sua situação no Curso.

Prêmio de ensaio das doutoras María Inés Corbalán (pós-doutoranda do PPGFIL/UFSC) e Giulia Terzian (IFCH-UNICAMP) em evento na Universidade de Bonn (Alemanha)

07/05/2019 12:38

É com grande satisfação que divulgamos que a Dra. María Inés Corbalán, bolsista CAPES/PNPD no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da UFSC, em coautoria com a Dra. Giulia Terzian (IFCH-UNICAMP), recebeu o prêmio de ensaios do evento “International Conference on Simplicities and Complexities” e, por este motivo, apresentará o seu ensaio como “Award Lecture” no próximo dia 22 de maio na Universidade de Bonn (Alemanha). Atualmente a Dra. María Inés Corbalán desenvolve sua pesquisa “Theory-Values in Cognitive Sciences: On Parsimony and Simplicity in Generative Linguistics” no PPGFIL/UFSC sob a supervisão do professor Luiz Henrique de Araújo Dutra.
Congratulamos as autoras e convidamos todos a entrar em contato com suas pesquisas.

Award Lecture
Título: Simplicity of what? A case study from generative linguistics
Autoras: Dra. Giulia Terzian (IFCH-UNICAMP); Dra. María Inés Corbalán (Departamento de Filosofia-UFSC)
Evento: International Conference on Simplicities and Complexities
Página no evento:

Concurso Público para Professor Efetivo do Departamento de Filosofia – Área de Ética

30/04/2019 10:13

Acesse o edital aqui.

As inscrições poderão ser efetuadas entre às 14h do dia 07/05/2019 e 23h59min do dia 30/05/2019, na página:

Conteúdo Programático:

Campo de Conhecimento: Ética

Pontos: 1. Éticas deontológicas; 2. Éticas consequencialistas; 3. Ética
de virtudes; 4. Bases metaéticas e normativas da Ética Aplicada; 5. Bioética: princípios
fundamentais; 6. Ecoética: o valor do meio ambiente; 7. Zooética: experimentação científica e
direitos de animais não-humanos; 8. Ética nas relações econômicas; 9. Ética da pesquisa e da
atividade científica; 10. Ética e questões de gênero e etnias.

Demais informações, clique aqui.



Edital Jovem Talento

29/04/2019 15:44


A Coordenação do Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofiada Universidade Federal de Santa de Catarina, no uso de suas atribuições como programa líder de subprojeto do PRINT-CAPES/UFSC, torna público que estão abertas as inscrições para seleção de bolsistade Jovem Talento com Experiência no Exterior (JTEE) do Programa PRINT-CAPES/UFSC, para início do período da bolsa no Brasil entre 01/10/2019 e 31/03/2020.
A candidatura à bolsa JTEE do presente edital está aberta a jovens pesquisadores de talento, brasileiros ou estrangeiros, residindo no exterior com relevante experiência acadêmico-científica internacional comprovada nas áreas temáticas do PRINT-CAPES/UFSC, de doze meses, para realização de atividades de pesquisa e docência.
– Título do Tema:Linguagens, Interculturalidade e Identidades
– Título do Subprojeto:Desafios da Universidade contemporânea no mundo globalizado: cultura e formação em perspectiva comparada, Brasil e Alemanha
– PPG’s Participantes:Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia e Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia Política
– Bolsa de 12 meses, prorrogável pelo mesmo período
– Inscrição: 06/05/2019 a 24/05/2019

Edital Bolsas JTEE PRINt CAPES UFSC 2019

Homologação Inscrições JTEE edital 3 Print

Instituições Estrangeiras Vinculadas – PRINT

Comissão de Seleção Processos Seletivos no âmbito do Projeto Institucional de Internacionalização PRINT – CAPES-UFSC – 2019